
Portrait of a Rebel

Few weeks of silence, that's what happened again to this blog. Yes I was quite busy lately. Last week, I spent 6 days in the southern part of Sulawesi (Celebes) for a special assignment. The reportage along with photographs will be published soon. And then, in the tiring month of Ramadhan, I found myself busy of writing some travel stories. The stories from my last European trip. Let alone this blog, I even don't have time for myself. So here is the last portrait I made and published by TEMPO English Edition. A portrait of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. He was in Jakarta several days before I was leaving for Sulawesi. The shot itself was in a rush. 3 minute available time since he had plane to catch. So I ended up with only 7 pictures in my compact flash. Fortunately, all is usable :)

Anwar Ibrahim TEMPO English

Anwar Ibrahim TEMPO English

Anwar Ibrahim, TEMPO.

Anwar Ibrahim, TEMPO.

That's all for now.

A very short post.

P.S: I personally like the original color better, but somehow it was adjusted for publication.