
Dirty Coal Mining in Borneo for PublicEye Magazine, September 2023 Issue

Photo and aerial video work for PublicEye, a Switzerland-based journalism NGO which focuses on troubling practices by Swiss companies all over the world. On this piece, I traveled to Borneo to document coal mining owned by IMR and Mercuria. The resulting images are published on the September issue of the magazine (also on the cover).

Story excerpt:
Giving the mining sector carte blanche has enabled Indonesia to become a top coal exporter in the space of a decade. Public Eye travelled to the heart of the world’s second-largest tropical forest, to a village inhabited by the Dayak indigenous group. Since 2019, inhabitants have been struggling with a mine operated on behalf of a Swiss conglomerate. Land grabbing, contamination of air and water: coal is a partial and capricious king.

Written by Adria Budry Carbo

Read the story online here (best view on desktop)

Assignment via Panos Picture

Das Magazin Reportage Won Real21 Media Prize

Congratulations to Paula Scheidt for winning Real21 Medienpreis (Real21 Media Prize) for the feature about Indonesian Islamic Boarding school title ‘Was Ist Ein Guter Muslim’ (What is a Good Muslim). The original feature was published earlier this year in Das Magazin

Although the award is for the writing, I am super happy to shot and worked alongside Paula for this piece. Assigned by Dorothea Fiedler from Studio Andreas Wellnitz.

XDas Magazin - Islam 03.jpg

Rebel Riders in Silkwinds

Rebel Riders, my project about Indonesian so-called extreme vespa community has just been published in Silkwinds, Silk Air Inflight Magazine, June 2018. It includes some new images that I just shoot and developed recently.
