
Carbon Credit for The Wall Street Journal

Images (including outtakes) from recent assignment about Carbon Credit for The Wall Street Journal in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo).


Exceprt from original text by Jon Emont.

Eleven years ago Dharsono Hartono, a former JPMorgan Chase & Co. banker, spotted what he thought was a new way to make a fortune: climate change. The plan was to snap up rain forest in Borneo, preserve it from logging and sell carbon credits to big polluting companies in the developed world. The earth’s temperature was rising, and this was a way to profit by confronting the problem.


His bet has been on what some investors hope will be the most profitable outcome of a warming climate: government regulation of carbon emissions. Those who correctly anticipate future government responses to climate change are likely to reap profits.

Mr. Hartono went in big. His company’s rain forest, a humid and swampy expanse home to orangutans and clouded leopards, is twice the size of New York City and has one of the largest carbon stores of any such project in the world.

But the carbon windfall never arrived.


Das Magazin Reportage Won Real21 Media Prize

Congratulations to Paula Scheidt for winning Real21 Medienpreis (Real21 Media Prize) for the feature about Indonesian Islamic Boarding school title ‘Was Ist Ein Guter Muslim’ (What is a Good Muslim). The original feature was published earlier this year in Das Magazin

Although the award is for the writing, I am super happy to shot and worked alongside Paula for this piece. Assigned by Dorothea Fiedler from Studio Andreas Wellnitz.

XDas Magazin - Islam 03.jpg

Rebel Riders in Silkwinds

Rebel Riders, my project about Indonesian so-called extreme vespa community has just been published in Silkwinds, Silk Air Inflight Magazine, June 2018. It includes some new images that I just shoot and developed recently.


Iran After Sanction in DestinAsian Indonesia

Final publication of assignment in Iran for DestinAsian Indonesia. The images and words (I also happened to write again after so long) are published in April-June 2018 issue of the magazine. During the assignment, which highlights Iran after most of the sanctions being lifted, I managed to see the many part of the country: the bustling Terhan, Lut Desert in the south, and the Caspian region in the north. Read the full story here (in Indonesian only). And some extra images can be seen here.


On the Road with Persija's Ultras for 11 Freunde

First post for 2018: publication from an assignment for 11 FREUNDE following Persija's ultras Curva Nord's bus journey from Jakarta to Solo during the Indonesian Derby: Persija vs Persib Bandung. While the match didn't live up to expectation, the trip did, especially after the bus I boarded were attacked on the highway by Persib's fans :D

Below are the 14 pages layout of the published story. Will post the outtakes a bit later.


Client: 11 Freunde
Assigning Editor: Kai Senf
Writer: Andreas Bock